

About Us

India’s place in the sun would come from the partnerships between
the wisdom of its rural people & skill of professionals.

 – Dr Vereghese Kurien
Prompt Innovations aims to bring revolutionary growth in dairy technology. An indigenous brand, we provide smart technology-based solutions to enhance the quality and flow of the dairy supply chain. It is our constant effort to work under our unifier of “The Pursuit of Purity” which stands for the never-ending journey to provide innovative products that help in keeping the purity of milk intact at each step.


To introduce a series of Steady State and Disruptive Innovations in the areas of energy storage, sustainable heating and cooling.


Prompt Innovations is committed to meeting and exceeding customer expectations by developing, manufacturing and supplying affordable and innovative energy-efficient solutions.

What do we stand for?

Prompt Innovations thrives upon the ideology of ESG, curating growth with the principles of sustainability, and energy efficiency. ESG stands for Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, and Growth. We innovate to bring change and to deliver revolutionary technological inventions aiming to provide quality growth.